S05E15 I Was Made to Love You
Oh! She's a robot!

I liked!
- Characters! Interacting! There's some great moments in this episode: webmaster Anya giving investment advice, Tara defending the incel community, Willow defending the incel community, the Summers clan getting Joyce ready for her date. Everyone's interacting, we love to see it.
- Cute li'l Ben, my sweet Woobie. Is he genuinely into Buffy? Is he just fucking with her? It's hard to say, but he's adorable here.
- Giles being a fucking presence.
- The robot fight has a really cool bit where Buffy does flippies.
- Warren. What a skeezy little fuck! Perfect performance.
I disliked!
- Watching Joyce getting ready for her date, knowing what happens. Heartbreaking.

As I mentioned in the Crush review, this episode works for me. Both Spike and Warren are a "type of guy", dialled up to 11 and given magical superpowers — both completely terrifying in their own ways. That this also has fantastic family moments, and also sets up for The Body is just... something else.