~* ANGEL *~
S01E01 City Of
Angel is lonely in L.A., but Doyle and Cordy rock up to keep him company. He falls for a blonde, and a guy falls out a window. Thrills and spills abound, in the City of Angels.
I liked!
- Cordelia! She gets a very humbling, empathetic episode here, and also delivers some killer lines. Loved that she's learnt all these lessons about vampires and can ID one!
- David! His performance is really strong and nuanced here. Angel feels like a very self-isolating, self-hating character, but someone who does want to do some good. His awkwardness at the party was a high point, and the Russell high-rise confrontation was so satisfying!
- How funny this episode is! Cordy and Angel both get some good lines (the hair joke at the start, the "you're a vampire!" bit).
I disliked!
- Our introduction to Doyle. He's just... suddenly there! And Angel is doing what he says! OK! Considering the slow pace of this episode (not a bad thing!) Doyle's character could've been intro'd a bit smoother.
- Russell's makeup is bad. He looks... mouldy...